Saturday, November 26, 2011

Is that why they call it "Black Friday?"

Every year for as long as I can remember, I have woken up at an ungodly hour of the morning on Black Friday (usually between 2-3 AM) to go shopping. Me and my dad used to go every year to get some stocking stuffers and various good deals (and of course, I was always in it for the free giveaways). I was such a dedicated Black Friday shopper that two years ago I woke up at 4:00 AM and walked 6 miles to the Hanes Mall with a group of friends so that we could get our slice of the sales. Last year I didn't really see any great sales, so I decided not to go- and then this year, I was given the choice of whether we wanted to flock out with the crazy shoppers to try and buy anything special.

We walked to Harris Teeter to buy the Thursday paper with the huge packet of ads, and brought it back to the house. I then looked through all the ads to see what would catch my eye. And once again I was somewhat disappointed- where were all the offers for free giftcards and ornaments and free rebate items? My friends, I regret to inform you, Black Friday has has taken a turn- a very dark and mind-boggling turn...

We had to drive my grandparents back to the hotel, and we got there right about 10 PM. My dad and I laughed because right across the street was a walmart, and earlier we had said the only good deal out there was the $2 dvds- so we decided to stop (we figured that since it was still Thanksgiving- it might not be too crowded). Entering Walmart at 10 PM was like entering a different world...There were lines wrapping through the entire store- people with carts filled with vacuums, blenders, and wiis- people shouting and rushing- squeezing through lines. What I thought would be a shopping experience, was more of an obstacle course race. I literally laughed at one point, because as I watched a group run to the back of the store (or attempt to), I just couldn't help but think just how crazy people were. Little did I know...

Yesterday and today I started hearing that Walmart had some violent breakouts. In fact, in California, a shooting is said to have broken out to fend of competing customers:

Black Friday was always supposed to be the first day of Christmas festivities (and other wintertime holidays). It's the day that it becomes socially acceptable to play holiday music and movies- the time to put up decorations, and the time to start holiday shopping. As a previous blogger points out, Black Friday is making strides online as well- however, after seeing what I saw in Walmart (which I consider a less popular Black Friday target store) I am confident in saying that in-store Black Friday shopping is not going anywhere. But I hope there is a change in what Black Friday is- I thought it used to be fun to wake up at a horrible hour to shop- but at what lengths? Why is it that people will get up and become horrible towards each other, all at the price of getting a deal? People are rude, and resort to violence in an effort to get their hands on the $20 blender. What part of that is the holiday cheer? Black Friday was called Black Friday because it was the day when all businesses were profitable- however I think these days it might better refer to the  horrid shopping habits and the scary lengths people are willing to go to in order to "get in the spirit"

Rachel Goldberg

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