Thursday, September 22, 2011

Don't Forget the Birthday

As September is coming to an end, I am beginning to adjust to fall classes and my lack of free time.  School is beginning to consume many hours of my day, and it is making it very difficult to manage my time wisely.  As a senior, every night seems to be a constant battle between watching sports or schoolwork.  And to be honest, sports tend to win some of the time (okay, most).  But as the first month of school has flown by, one date has seemed to slip my mind in all the chaos: my girlfriend’s birthday. 

A girlfriend’s birthday is something that you must remember very early on in the relationship or else it will be a short one.  To defend myself, I have always known that her birthday is September 24th, but I have mastered the art of delaying the purchase of her present(s).  You could say that my procrastination is partly a guy waiting until the last minute, but I would also argue that I have no idea what to purchase my girlfriend!

If you were to ask a girl about gifts, they would always tell you, “I just want to hang out with you. I don’t need any gifts or anything special.”  But deep down, a girl always wants to feel special.  The big concern for me is that they never tell you what they want! It is always a tricky answer. For example, when asking a girl what she would like, she might say, “Oh, just get me something that you think I might like.”  Girls are extremely complicated, and I thank God for the other women out there to help purchasing a birthday gift.  

This past weekend, I finally decided to get off my butt and do some research for the perfect birthday gift.  When I looked at the task ahead, the only presents that came to mind were chocolate, roses, and the dreaded date to a “chick flick”. After thinking over in my head if my girlfriend gave any clues to something she might want, I remembered a conversation we had a while back.  While she did not give any specifics, I remember her saying, “I just purchased some cheap earrings from Target because I only have one pair.” 

This was my chance.  My girlfriend deserves to have a nice pair of earrings, and I think I have an idea of what kind she wears.  This was my chance to surprise her AND show her that I listen.  I listen intently!

Call me crazy, but I first decided that my mom and my girlfriend’s best friend would be my assets in purchasing this gift.  After talking to them for the past three weeks, I finally decided upon earrings.  However, the only jewelry store I have really heard of was Jared’s and I could not buy a 1000 carat, diamond studded hoop earring coated with onyx (YET).

After ruling Jared and some guy named David Yurman out of the question, I then decided to go to Macy’s and walk around the jewelry section until an item stood out to me.  After walking around the jewelry store for an hour like a chicken with its head cut off, I finally decided to round up enough “guts” to ask the jewelry department manager for some help.  After telling her that her birthday was in September, she led me to the sapphire section of earrings and helped me determine exactly what she wants.  She asked me questions that I had never thought about.  In-ear or hanging, small or large, gold or silver. I was beginning to panic from overload!  After calming myself down, I began to picture my girlfriend in my head and what specific kind of earrings she normally wears. 

After much concentration and help, I finally narrowed my search to three different in-ear earrings that were silver with sapphire gems and diamonds. All three were priced reasonably, and I finally decided on the earrings that I felt in my heart were best.  Although I thought my mom and her best friend would be my best assets, I realized that the lady in the jewelry section was my greatest of all.  Thank you, Susie.

After spending way too long in a store, I then drove home, turned the TV to ESPN, and began to doze off.  I was very satisfied with my purchase, and I cannot wait to see the smile on her face when she opens it.  Hopefully in the midst of all the celebrations I’ll remember why September 24th is really important….. #14 Arkansas vs. #3 Alabama at 3:30 PM on CBS.  Go Tide!

For guys who also need help on this matter........

-Austin Stadler

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