Monday, November 15, 2010

Value Menu Prices Are Too Damn High

Yesterday I found myself craving good food, but of course,i wanted it for a cheap price. Faced with the pit being closed, and my deacon dollar account on E, I was forced to go off campus and search for a place that could cheaply satisfy my taste buds. Hmmmmm, what type of food did i want to eat? you guessed it, unhealthy burgers and nuggets composed of 99% 'instant diabetes'  and 1% nutrients. This reminded me of the fact that everything that taste good is often bad for you, but, despite this disclaimer to myself, I chose to do the inevitable... continue on my search for fast food until....I came upon the enticing smile of...Wendy

(Figure 1: The Love of My Life)

Now what I love most about Wendy, is the amount of bang she gave me for my bucks, or lack there of now . Remember when the Wendy's value Menu looked like this..

                                              (Figure 2: The Good Days)

EVERYTHING ON THE VALUE MENU WAS  $0.99. O how I wish I could go back to those days. Now , the value menu looks like Figure 3.

(Figure 3: WTF Happened??)
Somewhere between the development of Figure 2  and Figure 3  Wendy's decided they wanted to make my life, and the majority of their customer base, a living hell, by charging more. This directly effected me  when I purchased 6 things from the value menu and received a bill for over $9!! I instantly said to myself "wtf just happened", as a bemused  frown took over my face while handing over my money. After receiving my receipt, I meticulously looked over it in hopes I might find a cashier error in which he might have rung up an item wrong. To my surprise, I found nothing. What pissed me off even more was thinking about the fact that years ago this meal would have rung up to be a little over $6!! Now $3 doesn't doesn't seem like much until you put it in perspective. $3 dollars can buy 3 double cheeseburgers, or 3 items from the dollar store , or even  3  1 Gallon Jugs of cheap 'generic drink' from Walmart. This perspective makes you think twice about spending your "hard earned" money on the aggrandizing costs of Wendy's value menu.

What makes matters worst is the value burgers, nuggets, and fries now look like they came directly from the movie "Honey I Shrunk the Kids"... after the shrink ray.

(Figure 4: They are Actually Observing Food from Wendys' Value Menu)

Charging more money while offering less  is an art form that has only been mastered by a select few companies, and of course, Wake Forest Parking (another topic); However, despite this profit hungry move by Wendy's, I wasn't able to resist their grease-filled array of snacks until ...I looked at the "Ceasar Side Salad" I ordered...

From what I remember, Wendys' Ceasar Side Salad contained bacon bits and shredded cheese. The Ceasar  Side Salad I received contained small almond sized tomatoes with slices of cheese that looked like the Wendys' workers had took a square slice of cheese,ripped it up by hand, and tossed it on my salad in the back. Once again I found myself looking at my salad thinking "wtf just happened". This experience made me realize that my relationship with Wendy will never be the same again. It also made me realize that I hate high prices.

                              (Figure 5: Wendy's Value Menu Prices are Too Damn High)

-Ajalon Elliott

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious and oh so true. I feel your pain sir. I find myself getting the Spicy chicken nuggets at Wendys instead of the regular kind, only because they are I guess you cant be hungry,cheap, and healthy these days
