Saturday, November 27, 2010

We All Fall Down

This weekend I took a trip to Chicago to visit my mom's side of the family, and to partake in the feast that is Thanksgiving.  The last time I had been to Chicago was right around the time that the recession had hit full stride.  I remember driving through various parts of town and thinking, "Oh how the mighty have fallen."  It was at that moment that I realized something was missing.  Aside from the obvious answers, I could not manage to put my finger on exactly what the missing piece was, but that all changed this weekend.

We were back in Chicago, making the same drive to my uncle's house that we made years ago.  However, this was not the same atmosphere that I had witnessed years before, while there are still a few empty stores, and vacant homes..there are signs of life, signs of fighting back.  What had changed? The answer came mid-way through the 2nd quarter of a surprisingly entertaining Patriots vs. Lions Thanksgiving Day game...
"We All Fall Down," GM's newest marketing campaign was introduced to Americans everywhere.  The message is simple and easy to understand, it is the "never give up" mentality that built this country, and unfortunately it is that mentality that has been noticeably absent in the last few years.

GM's commercial is nothing short of perfect for the circumstances our country currently faces.  The worst is over (so we hope) and the time to rebound is now.  By being the first to market with this type of message, GM is aligning themselves with something many feel is far more powerful and valuable than any words, the American Spirit.  This country was built on hard work and the "refuse to lose" sentiment, and GM is reminding everyone what that really means.

A company that was once considered a juggernaut in their industry, GM had zero chance of failing...oh how wrong we were.  GM experienced one of the most drastic falls from grace, and appeared to have little chance of making it through the year.  However, GM is back and clawing their way back into the game.  This commercial acknowledges the support from customers as they continue to fight their way back, but the underlying message is far more powerful, "we are getting back on the horse and so should you."

I immediately turned to my Dad and Uncle and said that this was one of the best commercials I had ever seen, and honestly felt that this could be the kick in the pants that everyone needs.  My Uncle agreed that it was a good commercial, but said it would take a lot more than a commercial to fast track this turn around.  If he did not believe me then, I think he may have been singing a different tune an hour later.  During that hour time frame I received five text messages from separate people telling me I needed to get on YouTube to check out this commercial.  My favorite (direct quote), "Get on YouTube and look at GM's We All Fall Down commercial..tell me that doesn't light a fire under your ass."

I sat there thinking about the fact everyone is counting on the politicians to fix this, but I think GM and their marketing team has the right idea.  Inspire through messages, get people out of their seats, get them out of the sense of hopelessness, utilize those all too familiar inspirational movie clips and get their blood pumping.  Developing the right bill won't fix this, but rejuvenating the never say never mentality will...and that starts with messages much like the one GM is sending loud and clear.

- Steve Simms is a senior Business and Enterprise Management major with a concentration in Marketing

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